‘Exploring Themes and Insights: In-Depth Discussion Questions for ‘Half Sick of Shadows’ – A Silver Petticoat Book Club Companion’

‘Exploring Themes and Insights: In-Depth Discussion Questions for ‘Half Sick of Shadows’ – A Silver Petticoat Book Club Companion’

‘Exploring Themes and Insights: In-Depth Discussion Questions for ‘Half Sick of Shadows’ – A Silver Petticoat Book Club Companion’

As October comes to a close, let’s dive into Half Sick of Shadows by Laura Sebastian, a fantasy retelling of The Lady of Shalott. To help spark meaningful conversations, we’ve prepared downloadable discussion questions for your convenience.

For more insights on Half Sick of Shadows, you can check out our book club announcement, which includes all the necessary details.

After finishing the book, you’re welcome to join the discussion with us on Facebook, Instagram, or Goodreads. Alternatively, you can start a local chapter of The Silver Petticoat Book Club and chat about the book with your friends or family members.

The discussion questions are designed to facilitate group conversations about the characters, plot, and how this retelling compares to the original tales. Feel free to come up with your own questions as well!

We’re excited you read Half Sick of Shadows with us, and we’d love for you to join our next selection—a classic novel. We hope you found the book enjoyable!

Besides our discussion questions, you can also use the official Book Club Kit. If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below.

Now, let’s get into the Half Sick of Shadows discussion questions. (Spoiler alert!)

1. What did you think of Half Sick of Shadows?
2. What was your favorite scene and why? Your least favorite?
3. Do you have any favorite quotes, chapters, or passages?
4. How familiar were you with Arthurian mythology before reading this book? Did Tennyson’s poem, The Lady of Shalott, influence your enjoyment of the novel? How did this story compare to previous tales?
5. What do you think the title Half Sick of Shadows means? Does it have any specific reference?
6. Did the book’s narrative structure appeal to you? How did you find the use of psychic visions in the storytelling?
7. What did you think of the friendship between Elaine, Morgana, and Guinevere? Did you connect with any of these characters? How did you feel about the female focus in this retelling?
8. How did you perceive the romantic relationship between Lancelot and Elaine? What was your reaction to their tragic fates? Do you see it as fate or the result of their choices?
9. What are your thoughts on the characters? Who was your favorite? Your least favorite?
10. How did Elaine’s troubled relationship with her mother affect her sense of self?
11. The ending is open-ended and open to interpretation. What do you think happens next? How do you think each character’s story continues?
12. Were you surprised by the twist between Elaine and Nimue at the end?
13. Do you have any unanswered questions after reading the book?
14. Did the book evoke any strong emotions in you? Did it make you cry, laugh, smile, or frown? Why?
15. What lessons or thoughts did the book leave you with regarding your own life?
16. Would you recommend Half Sick of Shadows to a friend? Why or why not? Would you read more books by Laura Sebastian?

Use these questions to engage with your friends and family during your book club discussions. Feel free to download the questions, add your own, and turn your book club into an enjoyable social event!

Did you read Half Sick of Shadows? Share your thoughts on the discussion questions in the comments below! We’d love to hear from you.