It’s the last week of May, which means it’s time to talk about “Butterfly Yellow”! To keep things easy, we’ve made some discussion questions you can download and use.
Feel free to use them to chat with us on Facebook, Instagram, or Goodreads. You could also start your own local chapter of The Silver Petticoat Book Club and discuss with your friends and family.
We hope you enjoyed reading “Butterfly Yellow” with us and will join us for our next book pick. If you’re reading this book with teens, consider downloading Thanhhà Lại’s Teacher’s Guide from her website. It has useful discussion questions and activities perfect for young readers.
Here are the “Butterfly Yellow” discussion questions:
1. Did you enjoy “Butterfly Yellow”?
2. What was your favorite part of the book? Your least favorite?
3. Do you have any favorite quotes, chapters, or passages? Share with us!
4. How did you feel about Thanhhà Lại’s phonetic writing style? Did you adjust to it like LeeRoy did? Why do you think the author chose this style? Did it make the book feel more authentic to you?
5. How did you like the characters? Who was your favorite? Hằng, LeeRoy, David, Bà, or another character? Were the characters relatable or admirable? What did you learn from each of them?
6. Hằng expresses herself through art and writing. Do you think this helps her communicate more effectively? Have you used art or writing to express yourself? Did you find it therapeutic?
7. Were you surprised by David’s (Linh) reaction to his sister? Why do you think he reacted that way?
8. Why do you think LeeRoy and David bonded more quickly than Hằng and David?
9. Chú Quốc wants custody of David. Do you agree with him, or do you think David should stay with Cora (his new family)? Can you see both sides?
10. Why do you think the author chose the title “Butterfly Yellow”? What significance does it have in the story?
11. Did this book help you understand the refugee experience better?
12. How did you feel about the budding romance between LeeRoy and Hằng? Did you find it sweet? Do you think it will develop further?
13. Did you love the connection that grew between them, even though they seemed like unlikely friends? Have you ever had an unlikely friendship?
14. What messages or themes did you take away from the novel?
15. How did you feel about the ending? Were you happy with it?
16. Would you read more books by Thanhhà Lại?
If you want to start your own chapter of The Silver Petticoat Book Club, you don’t have to limit discussions to online platforms. Make the book club more fun by gathering your friends and family, either in person or virtually. Download the questions, add some of your own, and enjoy a more social experience!
If you do start your own group, use the hashtag TheSilverPetticoatBookClub to share your experiences and pictures. We’d love to see how everyone is participating!
Remember, book club gatherings can be as simple as chatting with close friends on Zoom or as elaborate as a themed tea party. The sky’s the limit on what you can do.